WordPress Post Expirator 1.3 Released

This should be the last of the rapid releases for a while.  The 1.3 release addresses most if not all of the known issues and feature requests that were reported to me.  I also added a few new features.  The plugin can be downloaded at the WordPress Plugins Page.  Enjoy!


  • Expiration date is now retained across all post status changes
  • Modified date/time format options for shortcode postexpirator tag
  • Added the ability to add text automatically to the post footer if expiration date is set

There are currently 3 valid attributes that can be used with the shortcode:

  • dateformat – overrides the default date setting
  • timeformat – overrides the default time setting
  • type – full, date or time – defaults to full

For more information on the date/time format see the PHP Date Function.

The post footer text has 3 variables which can be used that will be replaced with the post expiration date/time.  The date and time format defaults will be used.  The options are:


As always, please report any problems!